"It is the belief of the members of the Red Road HIV/AIDS Network that all people are affected by HIV/AIDS"


The Red Road HIV/AIDS Network (RRHAN) is a provincial based Aboriginal Organization. Red Road's 125 plus membership capacity is comprised of Aboriginal AIDS Service Organizations (ASO), non-Aboriginal AIDS Service Organizations who have Aboriginal programs, Aboriginal Persons living with HIV/AIDS (APHA), and Aboriginal community-based organizations who have HIV/AIDS programs, located in urban & rural British Columbia.

Nov. 17, 2017 - Further Along the Journey

Coming together, sharing culture and learning in an environment of caring and acceptance.

Date: Friday, November 17, 2017
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: Positive Living B.C.
Address: 1101 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC

FREE EVENT! Lunch & refreshments provided! (Space is limited to 20 participants). To register, please fill out the registration form and either fax it to 778-340-3328 or email it to info@red-road.org.

Event Registration Form | Full Event Info | Agenda

Visioning Health II - May 3rd - 8th 2017

In this research project, you and other HIV-positive Indigenous women will learn to use traditional and contemporary Indigenous art to:

  • Tell your story of health and wellness
  • Celebrate your cultureand your gender
  • Help us designa culturally-relevant gender specific health intervention for HIV-positive Indigenous women!
Come join us for a 5-day research retreat.

Full Details Here

Bloodlines Magazine – Readers Survey

We are requesting your participation in a brief survey to let us know what you thought about Issue #15 of Bloodlines Magazine. Bloodlines is a full colour magazine featuring Aboriginal Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (APHA). This magazine offers a forum in which APHAs can share their personal experiences, discuss issues affecting them, and offer advice and suggestions to their peers.

The survey will explore potential benefits of reading Bloodlines, as well as strengths and areas for improvement. At this time, Red Road is specifically looking to gather feedback from those who have already read Issue #15, (published in Winter 2016).

If you have read this issue of Bloodlines, we need your feedback and would greatly appreciate if you could complete a brief online survey. The survey will only take roughly 5 - 10 minutes of your time. Please note that responses will be kept confidential.

Click here to participate in the survey.

Those who complete the readers survey have a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card, will be drawn on March 31st, 2017.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Annual General Meeting - Jan. 23, 2017

Burrard Room
Best Western Chateau Granville
1100 Granville St.
Vancouver, BC

Location: 5:00PM - 8:00PM

Please see the Agenda and Registration form links below.

Additional Info & Agenda | Registration Form

Pathways to Wholeness Workshop - Sept 19-20, 2016

Red Road HIV/AIDS Network and Victoria Native Friendship Centre invite you to attend:

Pathways to Wholeness Workshop - Sept 19-20, 2016
Location: Victoria Native Friendship Centre
231 Regina Ave, Victoria, BC
9am - 4pm

The Gathering will contribute to the holistic development and wellness of First Nations individuals, families and communities by providing tools and resources for healing

Announcement: Click here
Registration Form: Click here

Agenda: Sept. 19th | Sept. 20th

Scholarship Application: Click here
Note: Applicants must be residents of Vancouver Island

If you have any questions, please contact Red Road at 1-855-340-3388 or email:

CAAN Survey – Sharing Our Wisdom

The Project Background: Our project is intended to learn more about how Indigenous Trans/ Gender Diverse people who are living with or affected by HIV/HCV and co-infection are impacted and what this means in terms of providing appropriate supports and services. We also want to identify important features and provide communities with Indigenous-specific recommended solutions towards the development of programmatic intervention models that address and support the Trans/ Gender Diverse community living with or affected by HIV/HCV and co-infection. Incorporating the principles of GIPA (Greater Involvement of People with HIV and AIDS) and “nothing about us, without us”. The project has two main outputs. First, developing a nation-wide working committee of Indigenous Trans/Gender Diverse people to provide input regarding key issues impacting them well into the future and a report moving forward previous recommendations and newly identified priorities through both a regional and national lens. Integrated in this work is a holistic Indigenous worldview, which engages the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person. As we work at both regional and national levels, it is with the intention of sharing our gained wisdom with Indigenous world communities for the purpose of learning from one another, strengthening each other on our journeys and creating “safe, nurturing and supportive environments” that will address the unique needs of this population. You are invited to participate by completing this on-line survey.

What will happen in the on-line survey? You will be asked a series of questions designed to describe informal and/or formal programs, services and supports that you know about for Trans/ Gender Diverse people living with HIV/HCV or co-infection You will also be asked to provide basic information about yourself so we can describe who participated in our survey but all of the information will remain anonymous. You can quit the survey at any time if you do not want to complete it. If you do so, the information from your incomplete survey will be removed. If you choose to end the survey before it is fully completed, the data will not be uploaded. However, once you have submitted the survey, you will not be able to withdraw your data. You will have an option at the end of the survey to participate in a draw for $50.00. Any contact information you provide for the purpose of the draw will be separated from the rest of your answers and will not be included in the analysis of the on-line survey. It will be removed from the survey software and stored separately. Only the person selected by the draw will be contacted. Otherwise, we will not use the information for any further contact regarding this study. You can still enter the draw if you decide to withdraw part way through the survey.

What will happen to the information I provide? The information you provide will be used to contribute to a report about the informal and formal programs, services and supports for Indigenous Trans/ Gender Diverse people in Canada. The data will be stored in a locked filing cabinet or on a password-protected computer and will be destroyed in 5 years.

If you have any questions about this project, you can contact me by email or by phoning collect: Arthur “Dave” Miller CAAN Sharing Our Wisdom Project Coordinator (902) 433-0900 ext 226

Click here to access the survey.

Announcement Holistic Health Awareness Program for Indigenous Women

Red Road HIV/AIDS Network and Positive Women’s Network are pleased to announce that they are partnered to create a 2-year pilot project that will address the need for Indigenous women’s HIV and hepatitis C prevention and support programming in Vancouver.

Click here for more information.

Hope Air: Free Airfare to Low-Income Canadians

Hope Air recently received some funding earmarked specifically for providing free airfare to people living with HIV/AIDS who need to travel long distance to specialists.

Visit www.hopeair.ca or call us at 1.877.346.4673. You can request a free flight online and check eligibility criteria at www.hopeair.ca/FAQ.

Our Membership Provides

Support Programs in Education, Treatment & Care, Peer Counseling, Advocacy, and Workshops on HIV/AIDS & Hepatitis C.

The Red Road Provides

Quarterly Skills Building for RRHAN Membership, Frontline Workers, Facilitators, Caregivers, Health Care Workers, and Educators.

Presentations focused on Emerging issues, Residential School issues, Harm Reduction, Nutrition, Traditional Medicines, Integrated Health Care, and Wholistic Healing.

Resource Material including Aboriginal Strategy for HIV/AIDS (Pathways To Wholeness), Pathways To Wholeness Implementation Guide, HIV/AIDS Education Manual, Membership Directory, Evaluation Report, Funding Manual, and Communicating About HIV/AIDS.